Thursday, August 13, 2009

This Week at the Scott House

I know! I'm border line obsessed! But I keep getting these adorable shots of Harper! Plus, I swear he changes and grows everyday! This week he started waving! How crazy is that?! He's working on sitting up right now, and he loves holding/chewing on all his toys. We are also doing flash cards and books which he goes nuts over!!!! I just read him books over and over and over! He gets so excited! My favorite is our dance party we do every morning! It usually happens when Harper is in his bouncer and I'm getting ready for work. We sing and dance! Harper's dance moves still need a little work. He kinda looks like a ninja right now but he's a boy, he doesn't need grace! Who knew it would be this fun! I was so worried about how to take care of him while I was pregnant, I had no idea how much I would enjoy raising a child!


Joe, Laura, HudBud, and the Twins said...

he is so freakin' cute!!! His faces crack me up hahaha!!!

*Lindsey* said...

So Trevor just came to me crying about something, then saw Harper and said "baby", and now he's perfectly happy. Thanks Harper :)

.:pamela:. said...

LeAnne, you are such a good mommy. I can't wait to see Harper! He's already gotten sooo much bigger since I saw him last! The one of you & him is priceless - look at those lips! I just want to squeeze him!!